Preclinical In Vivo Studies
ArthroLab advises clients on the choice of the optimal models for their specific scientific goals and performs in vivo studies to evaluate drug metabolism in joint tissues/cells.
Clinical Trials
ArthroLab performs Phase II to Phase IV clinical trials on antiarthritic drugs and safety and efficacy trials of natural health products. ArthroLab is one of the largest clinical research units dealing with osteoarthritic and rheumatoid arthritic patients in North America.
Preclinical In Vitro Studies
ArthroLab has unique expertise with preclinical in vitro and ex vivo studies to evaluate new drug candidates for further development.
Measurement of Cartilage Degradation
Through its sister company ArthroVision, ArthroLab has developed a unique quantitative MRI technology for measuring joint cartilage thickness/volume in the human body and for tracking cartilage loss over time in preclinical studies and Phase II to Phase IV clinical trials.


The remarkable contributions of Doctors Jean-Pierre Pelletier and Johanne Martel- Pelletier to the global awareness of the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis has guided ArthroLab in performing studies for most of the major pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies striving to treat and eventually cure arthritis.


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